Periódico América Newspaper by Mariana DAngelo / PabloJ Marin "Global Digital" @news_latin

Mariana DAngelo Editorial Group LLC
Mariana DAngelo "A tribute to all the victims of war & Natural Disasters"
Spring 2025 from Madrid, Paris, London, Rome & Barcelona (Europe)
PERIODICO AMÉRICA from / from Europe - Europe Mariana DAngelo Global Group SL / Spain / / / /
NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL NEWS by our Chief Editor: Mariana DAngelo Direct from Spain & England Europe
Febrero 2025 / February 2025 /
PERIODICO AMÉRICA desde / from Europa - Europe Mariana DAngelo Global Group SL / España / / / /
NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL NEWS by our Chief Editor: Mariana DAngelo Direct from Spain & England Europe
NOTICIAS INTERNACIONAL por nuestra Editora Mariana DAngelo directo desde España y Inglaterra
Mariana DAngelo direct from Spain and England
How world responds to Trump's tariffs is what matters next
Ultima Hora en las Américas / Breaking News in the Americas: Desde Washington. DC /EE:UU / Los cielos fueron testigos de un terrible accidente entre un Avion Comercial y un Helicoptero Militar. Según informador aún sin confirmar por los expertos que revisan la caja negra del avion, este fatal accidente que robó la vida de mas de 60 personas y toda su tripulación, momentos antes de su aterrizaje al famoso aeropuerto Ronald Reagan de Washington DC.
El Nuevo Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Donald J Trump, despues de lamentar este fatal Accidente aereo y notificar a todos, sobre esta espantosa noticia, el cual con tono muy triste declaró a todos "SAD BUT IT ISN´T SURVIVERS" referiendose al accidente que ocurrió en horas de la noche. Presidente Donald J Trump ordenó una rigorosa investigacion sobre todo lo ocurrido en este lamentable accidente aereo en el cual mas de 60 personas y 4 tripulantes perdieron su vida. El Rescate de los cuerpos ha sido una congelada jornada y una odisea, debido al congelado rio Potoma. Existen diferentes hipotesis sobre las causas de este accidente muy cerca del pentagono en la capital politoca del planeta.
Mariana DAngelo CEO & Founder Europe Director Pablo J Marin,
Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa deben de ser todos los dias del año y con ello convertirnos cada uno en vigilantes de la libertad de prensa, expresión y de opinón. ESPAÑA ya es un referente mundial y un ejemplo a seguir para el resto del Mundo como nación que defiende los derechos humanos, la DEMOCRACIA Y LIBERTAD plena de los derechos de aquellos que en muchas naciones se los niegan. España protege a todos sus ciudadanos y visitantes sin ninguna excepción. Sin embargo en estos dias en nuestra madre patria, se ha observado una exagerada violenta Machista, y lo grave de todo esto, es que sucede primero como un terrible ejemplo en la casa sagrada de la ley de la nacion ejemplo de democracia para los paises de habla hispana o Español. Esperemos que el Hogar sagrado de la ley, prohiban estos actos machistas y que en muchas ocasiones son realizados por mujeres en contrterrible como hombres (Lideres de Partidos en todo el Mundo, usan a mujeres para tratar de humillar y mostrar sus actos machistas, que son realmente detestables. Sabemos que ESpaña es un Ejemplo para millones de jovenes, que desean mantener la DEmocracia robusta y solida, que goza, el reino maravillosa de España. GRACIAS ESPAÑA... Pablo JG. Marin M / Editado 2023
Periódico AMÉRICA Newspaper por Mariana DAngelo
Coordinador Internacional y Director en Europa. Susan Marin - Pablo J Marin . Asesores en Europa Carmen Carrasquero - Ricardo Andrade
Public Schedule – January 31, 2025
01/30/2025 08:41 PM EST
Office of the Spokesperson
Secretary Rubio attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
Senior Official Kenna attends meetings and briefings at the Department of State.
No Department Press Briefing.
President Trump's Inaugural Address
Here are excerpts from President Trump's inaugural address:
JANUARY 20, 2025
12:10 p.m. Washington, D.C. time
THE PRESIDENT: Starting today, our country will flourish and be respected again around the world. We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During each and every day of the Trump Administration, I will, quite simply, put America first.
Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our security will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. The ruthless, violent, and unjust weaponization of the Department of Justice and our Government will end.
And our highest priority will be to create a proud, prosperous, and free nation.
America will soon be bigger, stronger, and far more exceptional than ever before.
I return to the presidency with confidence and optimism that we are at the dawn of an exciting new era of national success. A tide of change is sweeping across the country, sunlight is pouring out across the world, and America has the opportunity to seize this opportunity as never before.
But first, we must be candid about the challenges we face. While they are plentiful, they will be swept away by this great momentum the world is now witnessing in the United States of America.
As we meet today, our government is facing a crisis of confidence. For many years, a radical and corrupt ruling class has extracted power and wealth from our citizens while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete disrepair.
We now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home while at the same time stumbling through a continuing catalogue of catastrophic events abroad.
It does not protect our fine, law-abiding American citizens, but it provides sanctuary and protection to dangerous criminals, many of them from prisons and psychiatric institutions, who have illegally entered our country from around the world.
We have a government that has given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders but refuses to defend American borders or, more importantly, its own people.
Today, I will sign a series of historic executive orders. With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the common sense revolution. It's all about common sense.
First, I will declare a national emergency on our southern border.
All illegal entry will be stopped immediately, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of foreign criminals to where they came from. We will reinstate my Remain in Mexico policy.
I will end the practice of catch and release.
And I will send troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion of our country.
Under the orders I sign today, we will also designate the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
And invoking the Foreign Enemies Act of 1798, I will direct our Government to use the full and immense power of federal and state law enforcement to eliminate the presence of all foreign criminal gangs and networks that bring devastating crime to American soil, including our cities and urban centers.
As Commander in Chief, I have no greater responsibility than to defend our country from threats and invasions, and that is exactly what I am going to do. We will do it at a level no one has ever seen before.
America will once again be a manufacturing nation, and we have something no other manufacturing nation will ever have: the most oil and gas of any country on the planet, and we are going to use it. We are going to use it.
We will lower prices, refill our strategic reserves to the brim, and export American energy around the world.
I will immediately begin an overhaul of our trading system to protect American workers and families. Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, there will be tariffs and levies on foreign countries to enrich our citizens.
To this end, we are creating the Foreign Revenue Service to collect all tariffs, duties, and revenues. There will be massive amounts of money coming into our Treasury, from foreign sources.
As in 2017, we will once again build back the strongest military the world has ever seen. We will measure our success not just by the battles we win, but also by the wars we end and, perhaps most importantly, by the wars we never enter.
CNN’s PM Plug-In catches you up on news and fascinating stories you may have missed. Make sure to subscribe to stay in the know.
Move over billionaires. The first trillionaires are on their way.
Five people are expected to amass at least $1 trillion in wealth within the next decade, if current trends continue, according to Oxfam’s annual inequality report, released Sunday. Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, currently the world’s richest person worth more than $430 billion, should cross the mark in just under five years.
He will soon be joined by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault and family.
El PM Plug-In de CNN te pone al día con noticias e historias fascinantes que quizás te hayas perdido. Asegúrate de suscribirte para estar al tanto.
Apártense los multimillonarios. Los primeros billonarios están en camino.
Se espera que cinco personas acumulen al menos un billón de dólares en riqueza en la próxima década, si continúan las tendencias actuales, según el informe anual sobre desigualdad de Oxfam, publicado el domingo. Elon Musk, director ejecutivo de Tesla y SpaceX, actualmente la persona más rica del mundo con una fortuna de más de 430 mil millones de dólares, debería superar la marca en poco menos de cinco años.
Pronto se le unirán el fundador de Amazon, Jeff Bezos, el fundador de Oracle, Larry Ellison, el director ejecutivo de Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, y el director ejecutivo de LVMH, Bernard Arnault, y su familia
Madrid, January 21, 2025
The Cuban Observatory of Human Rights (OCDH) expressed “maximum concern on Tuesday about the possible cancellation, pause or slowdown in the release of political prisoners in Cuba” after noting the absence of new releases until one o'clock this afternoon, local time.
“In its statement on the start of the releases, the Cuban regime referred to the spirit of the Jubilee Year of the Catholic Church. In the days that this process has been going on, we have denounced the lack of transparency and the need for all prisoners to be released immediately,” said the OCDH.
The OCDH also recalled that the Cuban government argued the release process as a “unilateral and sovereign” decision. “Therefore, no policy adopted by the United States or other countries should be a cause for the delay or cancellation of the release process,” warned the organization.
For the OCDH, the Cuban regime “continues to cling to the old scheme of using prisoners as bargaining chips, of wanting to pretend that it does not accept accusations and to control all the times, but these pretensions, in addition to being contrary to the spirit of jubilee, do not correspond to the new times of international relations.”
“We have been in systematic contact with collaborators and relatives of political prisoners on the island, many of whom are struggling between expectations, uncertainty and despair, in relation to their loved ones. The reality is that until one in the afternoon, island time, we have not heard of any new releases today,” added the NGO.
As of Monday afternoon, the Cuban regime had already released 166 political prisoners, according to the permanent registry of the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights, confirmed directly with the released prisoners or their relatives.
Madrid, 21 de enero de 2025
El Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos (OCDH) mostró este martes “máxima preocupación por la posible cancelación, pausa o ralentización en las excarcelaciones de presos políticos en Cuba” al constatar la ausencia de nuevos liberados hasta la una de la tarde de hoy, hora local.
“En su comunicado sobre el inicio de las excarcelaciones, el régimen cubano hizo referencia al espíritu del Año Jubilar de la Iglesia Católica. En los días que lleva este proceso, hemos denunciado la poca transparencia y la necesidad de que se libere a todos los presos, de manera inmediata”, señaló el OCDH.
El OCDH recordó, además, que el gobierno cubano argumentó el proceso de excarcelación como una decisión “unilateral y soberana”. “Por tanto, ninguna política adoptada por Estados Unidos u otros países debería ser causa para el retraso o cancelación del proceso de excarcelación”, advirtió la organización.
Para el OCDH, el régimen cubano “sigue aferrado al viejo esquema de usar a los presos como moneda de cambio, de querer aparentar que no acepta señalamientos y controlar todos los tiempos, pero esas pretensiones, además de ser contrarias al espíritu jubilar, no se corresponden con los nuevos tiempos de las relaciones internacionales”.
“Hemos estado en contacto sistemático con colaboradores y familiares de presos políticos en la isla, muchos de los cuáles se debaten entre las expectativas, la incertidumbre y la desesperanza, en relación con sus seres queridos. La realidad es que hasta la una de la tarde, hora de la isla, no hemos conocido de ninguna nueva excarcelación el día de hoy”, añadió la ONG.
Hasta el lunes en la tarde, el régimen cubano ya había excarcelado a 166 presos políticos, de acuerdo con el registro permanente del Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos, confirmado directamente con los excarcelados o sus familiares.
JANUARY 21, 2025
SECRETARY RUBIO: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much. Thank you. It's a blessing and an honor to be with all of you today. And I want to introduce you to my family. I want you to meet them. I, we've been able to handle this for the last (laughter) twenty-something years and counting. And so, I said this earlier today when the Vice President swore me in: My most important job, I think the most important job any of us will ever have, is the work we do at home. And I don't mean so much in our domestic politics as in our lives.
21 DE ENERO DE 2025
SECRETARIO RUBIO: Gracias. Gracias. Gracias.
Muchas gracias. Gracias. Es una bendición y un honor estar con todos ustedes hoy. Y quiero presentarles a mi familia. Quiero que los conozcan. Yo, hemos sido capaces de manejar esto durante los últimos (risas) veintitantos años y seguimos contando. Y así es, dije esto hoy temprano cuando el Vicepresidente me juramentó: Mi trabajo más importante, creo que el trabajo más importante que cualquiera de nosotros tendrá jamás, es el trabajo que hacemos en casa. Y no me refiero tanto a nuestra política nacional como a nuestras vidas.
Y estoy muy orgulloso de mi esposa y de mis cuatro hijos y de su apoyo. Mi esposa Jeanette, cuyos (vítores y aplausos)… sus padres emigraron aquí desde Colombia. ¿Hay alguien aquí de Colombia? ¿Alguien cubre Colombia? (Aplausos). Y luego mi hija mayor, Amanda. Saluda, Amanda. (Aplausos). Y luego vino Daniella. (Aplausos). Y ahora Anthony. (Aplausos). Y nuestro más joven, Dominick. (Aplausos)
EE.UU. US President Donald Trump says US will send some migrants to Guantanamo Bay
US President Donald Trump has ordered the construction of a migrant detention facility in Guantanamo Bay which he said would hold as many as 30,000 people.
He said the facility at the US Navy base in Cuba, which would be separate from its high-security military prison, would house "the worst criminal illegal aliens threatening the American people".
Guantanamo Bay has long been used to house immigrants, a practice that has been criticised by some human rights groups.
Later on Wednesday, Trump's "border tsar" Tom Homan said the existing facility there would be expanded and run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
VENEZUELA : US President Donald J. Trump says Venezuela agrees to receive illegal migrants captured in US
US President Donald Trump says Venezuela agrees to receive illegal migrants captured in US
WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that Venezuela has agreed to receive all Venezuelan illegal migrants captured in the United States and provide for their transportation back.
"Venezuela has agreed to receive, back into their country, all Venezuela illegal aliens who were encamped in the U.S., including gang members of Tren de Aragua," Trump said in a post on Truth Social.
He said Venezuela agreed to supply transportation for them.
The Venezuelan government did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
The Republican president's announcement came the day after U.S. envoy Richard Grenell met with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in the South American country on Friday and brought six U.S. citizens back with him.
The Trump administration said the top goals for Grenell's trip were to secure the release of detained Americans and deporting Venezuelans back to their home country.
The White House said the high-level visit does not mean the United States recognizes Maduro as Venezuela's legitimate leader. The two countries have a fraught recent history marked by broken relations, sanctions and accusations of coup-plotting.
Grenell said there were no financial or other concessions promised to Maduro.
"The only award for Maduro was my physical presence, the first senior U.S. official to visit the country in years,” he was quoted as saying in the Wall Street Journal. "It was a big gift to him to have a visit by an envoy of President Trump.”
Maduro struck a conciliatory note after the meeting, saying he and Trump "have made a first step. Hopefully it can continue."
Trump praised the agreement as the latest victory in his drive to get Latin and Central American countries to take in illegal migrants.
"We are in the process of removing record numbers of illegal aliens from all countries, and all countries have agreed to accept these illegal aliens back," said Trump.
Last Sunday, the United States and Colombia pulled back from the brink of a trade war after the White House said the South American nation had agreed to accept military aircraft carrying deported migrants.
Mexico refused to accept a U.S. military deportation flight days after Trump took office, but said it has received non-Mexican migrants from the United States in the past week. Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum said Central American nations could also reach similar agreements with the U.S. to accept deportees from other countries.
Since taking office on Jan. 20, Trump issued an array of executive orders to crack down on illegal immigration, including actions aimed at deporting record numbers of migrants in the U.S. without legal status.
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Reporting by Jasper Ward in Washington; additional reporting by Deisy Buitrago in Caracas; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Diane Craft and Nick Zieminski
COLOMBIA: US, Colombia reach deal on deportations; tariff, sanctions put on hold
WASHINGTON/ BOGOTA Jan 26 (Reuters) - The U.S. and Colombia pulled back from the brink of a trade war on Sunday after the White House said the South American nation had agreed to accept military aircraft carrying deported migrants.
U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened tariffs and sanctions on Colombia to punish it for earlier refusing to accept military flights carrying deportees as part of his sweeping immigration crackdown.
But in a statement late on Sunday, the White House said Colombia had agreed to accept the migrants after all and Washington would not impose its threatened penalties.
"The Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump’s terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Colombia returned from the United States, including on U.S. military aircraft, without limitation or delay," it said.
Draft orders imposing tariffs and sanctions on Colombia would be "held in reserve, and not signed, unless Colombia fails to honor this agreement", it added.
"Today’s events make clear to the world that America is respected again. President Trump ... expects all other nations of the world to fully cooperate in accepting the deportation of their citizens illegally present in the United States," the White House statement said.
In a statement late on Sunday, Colombian Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo said: "We have overcome the impasse with the U.S. government".
"The government of Colombia ... has the presidential plane ready to facilitate the return of Colombians who were going to arrive in the country this morning on deportation flights."
The statement did not specifically say that the agreement included military flights, but it did not contradict the White House announcement.
Murillo and Colombia's ambassador to the United States will travel to Washington in coming days to follow up on agreements that led to the exchange of diplomatic notes between the two governments, the Colombian statement added
Washington's draft measures, now on hold, include imposing 25% tariffs on all Colombian goods coming into the U.S., which would go up to 50% in one week; a travel ban and visa revocations on Colombian government officials; and emergency treasury, banking and financial sanctions.
Trump also threatened to direct enhanced border inspections of Colombian nationals and cargo. Ahead of the announcement of an agreement on the flights, a State Department spokesperson said the United States had suspended visa processing at the U.S. embassy in Bogota.
Colombia is the third-largest U.S. trading partner in Latin America.
The U.S. is Colombia's largest trading partner, largely due to a 2006 free trade agreement that generated $33.8 billion in two-way trade in 2023 and a $1.6 billion U.S. trade surplus, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Alejo Czerwonko, chief investment officer for emerging markets Americas at UBS Global Wealth Management, said Colombia relied on access to the U.S. market for about a third of its exports, or about 4% of its GDP.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro earlier condemned the military deportation flights and said he would never carry out a raid to return handcuffed Americans to the U.S.
"We are the opposite of the Nazis," he wrote in a post on social media platform X.
He also said however that Colombia would welcome home deported migrants on civilian planes, and offered his presidential plane to facilitate their "dignified return".
Trump declared illegal immigration a national emergency and has imposed a crackdown since taking office last Monday.
He directed the U.S. military to help with border security, issued a broad ban on asylum and took steps to restrict citizenship for children born on U.S. soil.
The use of U.S. military aircraft to carry out deportation flights is unusual. U.S. military aircraft carried out two flights, each with about 80 migrants, to Guatemala on Friday.
Mexico also refused a request last week to let a U.S. military aircraft land with migrants.
Trump has said he is thinking about imposing 25% duties on imports from Canada and Mexico on Feb. 1 to force further action against illegal immigrants and fentanyl flowing into the U.S.
Brazil's foreign ministry on Saturday condemned "degrading treatment" of Brazilians after migrants were handcuffed on a commercial deportation flight. Upon arrival, some passengers also reported mistreatment during the flight, according to news reports.
The plane, which was carrying 88 Brazilian passengers, 16 U.S. security agents, and eight crew members, had been originally scheduled to arrive in Belo Horizonte in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais.
However, at an unscheduled stop due to technical problems in Manaus, capital of Amazonas, Brazilian officials ordered removal of the handcuffs, and President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva designated a Brazilian Air Force (FAB) flight to complete their journey, the government said in a statement on Saturday.
The commercial charter flight was the second this year from the U.S. carrying undocumented migrants deported back to Brazil and the first since Trump's inauguration, according to Brazil's federal police.
U.S. officials did not reply to requests for comment about Brazil.
Panama: At UN, Panama reminds Trump he should not be threatening force / Panama rejects Trump vow to 'take back' Panama Canal
Panama's president has rejected a plan by Donald Trump to "take back" the Panama Canal, telling his US counterpart the key trade route "is and will remain" in the country's hands.
In his inaugural speech, President Trump claimed that Panama had "broken" a promise to remain neutral, alleging that "China is operating the Panama Canal".
President Jose Raul Mulino said he rejected Trump's words in their "entirety", adding there is "no presence of any nation in the world that interferes with our administration".
The Panama Canal is one of the US's most important trade routes, with about 40% of all the country's container ships passing through the waterway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Continue... Investigators find black boxes after deadly Washington plane crash, continue search for answers
US authorities said on Thursday it was not yet clear why a regional jet and a US Army helicopter collided at a Washington airport, killing 67 people in the deadliest US air disaster in more than 20 years.
Investigators recovered the so-called black boxes from the plane, an American Airlines Bombardier jet carrying 60 passengers and four crew members, which collided with an Army Black Hawk helicopter and crashed into the Potomac River as it prepared to land at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Wednesday night.
No one survived. Names of all the victims have not been released, but they included promising young figure skaters and people from Kansas, where the flight originated.
Responding to concerns raised by oil refiners and Midwestern states, Trump imposed only a 10% duty on energy products from Canada, with Mexican energy imports facing the full 25% tariff.
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum, in a post on X, said she was instructing her economy minister to implement retaliatory tariffs but gave no details.
Canada and Mexico said they were working together to face Trump's tariffs.
China’s Commerce Ministry did not specify its planned countermeasures. Its statement left open the door for talks between Washington and Beijing.
“China hopes that the US will view and handle its own fentanyl and other issues in an objective and rational manner,” it said, adding that Beijing wanted to “engage in frank dialogue, strengthen cooperation and manage differences.”
A White House fact sheet said the tariffs would stay in place "until the crisis alleviated," but gave no details on what the three countries would need to do to win a reprieve.
At nearly $100 billion in 2023, imports of crude oil accounted for roughly a quarter of all U.S. imports from Canada, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.
Automakers would be particularly hard hit, with new steep tariffs on vehicles built in Canada and Mexico burdening a vast regional supply chain where parts can cross borders several times before final assembly.
The tariff announcement makes good Trump's repeated threat during the 2024 presidential campaign and since taking office, defying warnings from top economists that a new trade war with the top U.S. trade partners would erode U.S. and global growth, while raising prices for consumers and companies.
Republicans welcomed the news, while industry groups and Democrats issued stark warnings about the impact on prices.
National Foreign Trade Council President Jake Colvin said Trump's move threatened to raise the costs of "everything from avocados to automobiles" and urged the U.S.,
Canada and Mexico to find a quick solution to avoid escalation.
The three countries should work together to "gain a competitive advantage and facilitate American companies' ability to export to global markets," Colvin said in a statement.
Provincial officials and business executives in Canada also reacted with outrage, calling for forceful tariffs on imports from the U.S.
Roughly 90 minutes after Trump's announcement, the American national anthem was booed in the nation's capital Ottawa ahead of the opening face-off at the Ottawa Senators and Minnesota Wild National Hockey League game. The Senators won 6-0.
U.S. tariff collections are set to begin at 12:01 a.m. EST (0501 GMT) on Tuesday, according to Trump's written order. But imports that were loaded onto a vessel or onto their final mode of transit before entering the U.S. before 12:01 a.m. Saturday would be exempt from the duties.
Trump declared the national emergency under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the National Emergencies Act to back the tariffs, which allow the president sweeping powers to impose sanctions to address crises.
Trade lawyers said Trump was once again testing the limits of U.S. legislation and the tariffs could face legal challenges, while Democratic lawmakers Suzan DelBene and Don Beyer decried what they called “a blatant abuse of executive power."
White House officials said there would be no exclusions from the tariffs and if Canada, Mexico or China retaliated against
American exports, Trump would likely increase the U.S. duties.
Nova Scotia's Premier Tim Houston said he directed that all alcohol imported from the U.S. be removed from the province's store shelves.
The White House officials said that Canada specifically would no longer be allowed the "de minimis" U.S. duty exemption for shipments under $800.
The officials said Canada, along with Mexico, has become a conduit for shipments of fentanyl and its precursor chemicals into the U.S. via small packages that are not often inspected by customs agents.
Trump spoke extensively about the tariffs on Friday, acknowledging they could lead to disruptions and hardships for Americans. He said additional tariffs were planned against steel, aluminum, semiconductor chips and pharmaceuticals.
The Republican president was not scheduled to speak to reporters about the tariffs after the announcement.
Trump's tariff move was led by Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller, a forceful hawk on illegal immigration, and Trump's nominee to head the Commerce Department, Howard Lutnick, who flew to Florida with Trump on Friday, a White House official said.
Less than two weeks into his second term, Trump is upending the norms of how the United States is governed and interacts with its neighbors and wider world.
A model gauging the economic impact of Trump's tariff plan from EY Chief Economist Greg Daco suggests it would reduce U.S. growth by 1.5 percentage points this year, throw Canada and Mexico into recession and usher in "stagflation" at home.
"Steep tariff increases against U.S. trading partners could create a stagflationary shock - a negative economic hit combined with an inflationary impulse - while also triggering financial market volatility," Daco wrote on Saturday.
That volatility was evident on Friday, when the Mexican peso and Canadian dollar both slumped after Trump vowed to fulfill his threats. U.S. stock prices also fell and Treasury bond yields rose.
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Source REUTERS / February 2025
Reporting by Jarrett Renshaw in Palm Beach and David Lawder and Andrea Shalal in Washington; Editing by Dan Burns, Himani Sarkar, Daniel Wallis, Alistair Bell and William Mallard
Mexico City Feb 1 (Reuters) - Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum on Saturday ordered retaliatory tariffs in response to the U.S. decision to slap 25% tariffs on all goods coming from Mexico, as a trade war broke out between the two neighbors.
In a lengthy post on X, Sheinbaum said her government sought dialogue rather than confrontation with its top trade partner to the north, but that Mexico had been forced to respond in kind.
"I've instructed my economy minister to implement the plan B we've been working on, which includes tariff and non-tariff measures in defense of Mexico's interests," Sheinbaum posted, without specifying what U.S. goods her government will target.
For decades, the two neighbors have seen cross-border trade grow, including from a highly integrated auto industry, as well as massive volumes of crude oil, natural gas and motor fuels that move in both directions.
There is also a booming farm trade. Mexico sends large volumes of fresh produce north, including avocados and tomatoes, while U.S. farmers supply huge amounts of corn and other grains to Mexican buyers.
Overall, the United States is by far Mexico's most important foreign market, and Mexico in 2023 overtook China as top destination for U.S. exports.
Mexico has been preparing possible retaliatory tariffs on imports from the U.S., ranging from 5% to 20%, on pork, cheese, fresh produce, manufactured steel and aluminum, according to sources familiar with the matter. The auto industry would initially be exempt, they said.
Economy Minister Marcelo Ebrard said on X that Trump's tariffs were a "flagrant violation" of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
"Plan B is underway," Ebrard said. "We will win!"
U.S. exports to Mexico accounted for more than $322 billion in 2023, Census Bureau data showed, while the U.S. imported more than $475 billion worth of Mexican products.
Almost a third of Mexico's gross domestic product depends directly on exports to the United States, Grupo Financiero BASE's economic analysis director, Gabriela Siller, said on X.
"With a universal tariff of 25%, it is estimated that exports could fall by around 12%. With this, Mexico's GDP could fall by 4% in 2025, if the tariff is maintained all year round," Siller said.
In her post, Sheinbaum also rejected as "slander" the White House's allegation that drug cartels have an alliance with the Mexican government, a point Trump's administration used to justify the tariffs.
Trump said the tariffs against Mexico were due to the country's failure to stop fentanyl, a deadly opioid, from getting into the United States, as well as what he called uncontrolled migration.
Sheinbaum touted her government's record since she took office in October - seizing 20 million doses of fentanyl, in addition to detaining over 10,000 people tied to drug trafficking.
The U.S. measures were "one of the heaviest attacks Mexico has received in its independent history," Mexico's ruling party congressional leader Ricardo Monreal told broadcaster Milenio.
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Reporting by David Alire Garcia and Ana Isabel Martinez; Additional reporting by Andrea Shalal in Washington; Writing by Cassandra Garrison; Editing by Stephen Eisenhammer, Sonali Paul, Will Dunham and William Mallard
OTTAWA, Feb 1 (Reuters) - Canada will retaliate against President Donald Trump'snew tariffs with 25% levies on a raft of U.S. imports, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Saturday, warning Americans that Trump's actions would have real consequences for them.
As relations between the long-time allies who share the world's longest land border reach a new low, Trudeau told a news conference he was slapping tariffs on C$155 billion ($107 billion) of U.S. goods. Those on C$30 billion will take effect on Tuesday, the same day as Trump's tariffs, and duties on the remaining C$125 billion in 21 days, he said.
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CANADÁ:OTTAWA, 16 oct (Reuters) - Canadá está profundamente preocupado por la grave y cada vez peor crisis en Gaza y quiere que se abra un corredor humanitario en el enclave, dijo el lunes el primer ministro Justin Trudeau. "Es imperativo que esto suceda", Trudeau dijo a la cámara baja de la Cámara de los Comunes del parlamento. Israel ha puesto a Gaza, hogar de 2,3 millones de palestinos, bajo un bloqueo total y la ha golpeado con ataques aéreos sin precedentes. Información de David Ljunggren e Ismail Shakil; edición de Jonathan Oatis
OTTAWA, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Canada is deeply concerned by the dire and worsening crisis in Gaza and wants a humanitarian corridor to be opened into the enclave, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday."It is imperative that this happen," Trudeau told the House of Commons lower chamber of parliament. Israel has put Gaza, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, under a total blockade and pounded it with unprecedented air strikes. Reporting by David Ljunggren and Ismail Shakil; editing by Jonathan Oatis
EE:UU: CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16 oct (Reuters) - El secretario de Transporte de Estados Unidos, Pete Buttigieg, se reunió el lunes con su homólogo mexicano para discutir una serie de puntos conflictivos relacionados con la industria de la aviación de México.
El presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, ha ejercido cada vez más control sobre la industria y ha entregado las funciones de la aviación civil a las fuerzas armadas, lo que ha provocado fricciones entre los dos países.
MEXICO CITY, Oct 16 (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg met on Monday with his Mexican counterpart to discuss a number of sticking points regarding Mexico's aviation industry.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has increasingly exerted control over the industry and handed over civilian aviation duties to the armed forces, causing frictions between the two countries.
MËXICO: CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16 oct (Reuters) - México ayudará a Cuba, incluido el suministro de petróleo, dijo el lunes el presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. México comenzó a enviar regularmente petróleo crudo a Cuba a finales del primer trimestre de este año. Desde entonces, ha enviado alrededor de 2,8 millones de barriles a la isla, que sufre frecuentes cortes de energía y escasez de combustible, según datos independientes.MEXICO CITY, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Mexico will help Cuba, including providing it with oil, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday. Mexico began regularly shipping crude oil to Cuba at the end of the first quarter of this year. Since then, it has shipped about 2.8 million barrels to the island, which suffers from frequent power outages and fuel shortages, according to independent data.
GUATEMALA :CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA, oct (Reuters) - El presidente de Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, pidió el viernes que se levanten los bloqueos de carreteras y dijo que no puede destituir al fiscal general del país, algo exigido por manifestantes que acusan a las autoridades de bloquear la transición del gobierno. La fiscal general María Consuelo Porras, cuya oficina ha dicho que no renunciará, ha estado investigando al partido del presidente electo Bernardo Arévalo en lo que él y la Organización de Estados Americanos han calificado de ataque a la democracia.
Información de Sofía Menchú; Edición de Anthony Esposito.
GUATEMALA CITY, Oct (Reuters) - Guatemala's President Alejandro Giammattei on Friday called for roadblocks to be lifted and said he cannot remove the country's attorney general, something demanded by protesters who accuse authorities of blocking the government transition. Attorney General Maria Consuelo Porras, whose office has said she will not step down, has been investigating the party of president-elect Bernardo Arevalo in what he and the Organization of American States have branded an attack on democracy.
Reporting by Sofia Menchu; Editing by Anthony Esposito
CARACAS/WASHINGTON/HOUSTON, 16 oct (Reuters) - El gobierno y la oposición de Venezuela planean reanudar el martes las conversaciones suspendidas durante mucho tiempo, y Washington está listo para aliviar las sanciones si el presidente Nicolás Maduro se compromete a celebrar elecciones supervisadas internacionalmente el próximo año, dijeron múltiples fuentes en Lunes..
CARACAS/WASHINGTON/HOUSTON, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Venezuela's government and opposition plan to resume long-suspended talks on Tuesday, and Washington is ready to ease sanctions if President Nicolas Maduro commits to an internationally monitored election next year, multiple sources said on Monday.
NICARAGUA: Norma Huembes, de 24 años y nacida en el municipio de San Marcos, provincia de Carazo (Pacífico), fue elegida este sábado Miss Nicaragua 2022
PARAGUAY: Por primera vez, un estudio de vacuna de fase 3 desarrollado en Paraguay es publicado por la revista Vaccine, lo cual destacaron como un verdadero hito para el rubro de la medicina y la investigación en nuestro país. Cabe recordar que dicho estudio se desarrolló en conjunto entre profesionales de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción (FCM UNA) y el laboratorio biotecnológico Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corporation (MVC) de Taiwán.
URUGUAY: La economía de Uruguay creció un 4,4% en 2021, luego de una caída del 6,1% el año anterior debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Para el 2022, se espera que crezca un 4,8% impulsado principalmente por la apertura de fronteras al turismo extranjero del verano pasado y un aumento en producción agrícola
(Reuters) - El gobierno de Colombia decretó el lunes un alto el fuego de tres meses con el grupo más grande de ex rebeldes disidentes de las FARC del país, lanzando conversaciones de paz formales con la organización para poner fin a su participación en un conflicto armado interno de casi seis décadas. con el Estado Mayor Central (EMC) estará vigente desde el martes hasta el 15 de enero del próximo año, según el decreto. "Tenemos poco tiempo", dijo el alto comisionado de paz del gobierno, Danilo Rueda, en un evento en Tibú, localidad cercana a la provincia venezolana. frontera en una zona que ha sido escenario de frecuentes enfrentamientos entre el ejército colombiano y grupos armados ilegales.Oct 16 (Reuters) - Colombia's government on Monday decreed a three-month ceasefire with the country's largest group of dissident former FARC rebels, launching formal peace talks with the organization to end its part in a nearly six-decade internal armed conflict. The ceasefire with the Estado Mayor Central (EMC) will be in force from Tuesday until Jan. 15 next year, the decree showed. "We have little time," government high peace commissioner Danilo Rueda said at an event in Tibu, a town near the Venezuelan border in an area that has seen frequent clashes between Colombia's military and illegally armed groups.
CUBA México ayudará a Cuba, incluido el suministro de petróleo, dijo el lunes el presidente mexicano, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. México comenzó a enviar regularmente petróleo crudo a Cuba a finales del primer trimestre de este año. Desde entonces, ha enviado alrededor de 2,8 millones de barriles a la isla, que sufre frecuentes cortes de energía y escasez de combustible, según datos independientes. "Como sea que podamos ayudar al pueblo de Cuba, lo vamos a hacer", dijo López. Obrador en rueda de prensa habitual.
Mexico will help Cuba, including providing it with oil, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday. Mexico began regularly shipping crude oil to Cuba at the end of the first quarter of this year. Since then, it has shipped about 2.8 million barrels to the island, which suffers from frequent power outages and fuel shortages, according to independent data."However we can help the people of Cuba, we're going to do it," said Lopez Obrador in a regular press conference.
HONDURAS: TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- Ser menor de 18 años de edad no es del todo bueno debido a que es la edad más vulnerable para enfermarse de dengue en Honduras.
Hasta la fecha, durante este 2022, se registran 22,850 casos de dengue a nivel nacional, de los cuales la mayoría pertenecen a niños, según Raúl Barahona, coordinador de la vigilancia epidemiológica de la Secretaría de Salud (Sesal).
Hace un par de días, el galeno indicó a EL HERALDO que los niños son más susceptibles a infectarse de dengue.
DE INTERÉS: Fallecen dos niños, uno por malaria y otro por dengue en Honduras
COSTA RICA: SAN JOSÉ, oct (Reuters) - Costa Rica y Honduras se abofetearon el lunes con requisitos de visa para los viajeros del país del otro, y Costa Rica fue el primero en implementar la medida citando razones de seguridad. Costa Rica había anunciado inicialmente la medida la semana pasada, más tarde posponiéndolo. En ese momento Honduras había calificado la medida de "sorprendente". El Ministro de Seguridad de Costa Rica, Mario Zamora, dijo a los periodistas que el requisito de visa fue "adoptado en un momento oportuno... por razones de seguridad".
SAN JOSE, Oct (Reuters) - Costa Rica and Honduras slapped each other with visa requirements for travelers from the other's country on Monday, with Costa Rica first implementing the measure citing security reasons.
Costa Rica had initially announced the measure last week, later postponing it. Honduras at the time had called the measure "surprising."
Costa Rican Security Minister Mario Zamora told journalists the visa requirement was "adopted at an opportune moment... for security reasons."
PANAMÁ: Dictan 30 años de prisión a un hombre por violar a una mujer en un transporte "pirata" en Panamá Oeste Según las autoridades, la víctima abordó un vehículo de transporte "pirata" en la Plaza Cinco de Mayo y en Bique, el copiloto del auto la violó..
En días pasados se celebró en Valladolid - España el VI Campeonato Mundial de Tapas, donde Panamá logró ser finalista de la mano del cocinero tableño Gabriel Grimaldo, subcampeón de Masterchef Panamá (en su primera edición), quien llevó la gastronomía panameña a otro nivel y a otras latitudes, por medio de su tapa llamada Trópico.
ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRES, oct (Reuters) - Argentina celebrará elecciones presidenciales el 22 de octubre, con un ardiente economista libertario, un ministro de Economía y un ex ministro de seguridad de centroderecha compitiendo en una reñida carrera para llegar al palacio presidencial. Uno de ellos reemplazará al presidente Alberto Fernández, que no busca la reelección. La elección se produce en un momento en que los votantes argentinos se han visto duramente afectados por una inflación anual del 124% que ha golpeado su poder adquisitivo. Dos de cada cinco argentinos viven en la pobreza.
BUENOS AIRES, Oct (Reuters) - Argentina will hold a presidential election on Oct. 22, with a fiery libertarian economist, an economy minister and a center-right former security minister vying in a tight race to reach the presidential palace. One of them will replace President Alberto Fernandez, who is not seeking re-election. The election comes as Argentine voters have been hard-hit by 124% yearly inflation that has pummeled their purchasing power. Two in five Argentines live in poverty.
Lamentablemente tengo que comentarles sobre la terrible muerte este fin de semana del actor canadiense-americano “Mathew Perry” de la famosa serie: “Friends”. El actor fue encontrado muerto en su casa de California, Estados Unidos. Mi más sentido pésame a sus padres, hermanos y a todos sus familiares, amigos y fans en todo el planeta. Esta noticia me causa un gran pesar y dolor, así como cualquier noticia en donde un buen amigo, nos abandona tan pronto y más aún, cuando él o ella es aún muy joven.
Más de está terrible noticia en & / Europa
Un tiroteo múltiple en la ciudad de Lewiston, en el estado de Maine (noreste de Estados Unidos), dejó al menos 18 muertos y 13 heridos, según informó este jueves la gobernadora Janet Mills. El sospechoso, que se encuentra en paradero desconocido, atacó varios negocios entre ellos una sala de bolos y un restaurante.
La policía emitió una orden de arresto contra Robert Card, un instructor de tiro de 40 años.
Y esto pasa en la política en USA- AMÉRICA . En otras importantes noticias nacionales dentro y fuera de los Estados Unidos, deseo recordarles a todos en las Américas, que el Presidente Joe R. Biden se reunió con el Presidente Benjamin Netanyahu y mantiene su apoyo a la defensa de Israel y solo pide pausa y apoyo para la entrada de ayuda Humanitaria para los civiles de la franja de Gaza. Otro político que hace noticia, es el republicano Mike Johnson, que fue elegido como nuevo presidente de la Cámara de los Representantes de EEUU y también apoya a Israel .
Presidente Pedro Sanchez muestra mucha confianza desde Bruselas para formar el nuevo Gobierno progresista del Reino de España
VENEZUELA & MEXICO:El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, asistirá a la reunión del próximo domingo en el sur de México, donde líderes regionales discutirán el aumento de la migración en América Latina con destino a Estados Unidos, anunció el lunes la Cancillería de México en un comunicado. La cumbre del 22 de octubre podría ser crucial ya que un gran número de migrantes venezolanos han estado abandonando durante años su país de origen para cruzar Centroamérica y México e intentar ingresar a Estados Unidos.
MEXICO CITY, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro will attend next Sunday's meeting in southern Mexico where regional leaders will discuss rising U.S.-bound migration in Latin America, Mexico's foreign ministry announced in a statement on Monday.
The participation of Maduro at the Oct. 22 summit could be crucial since large numbers of Venezuelan migrants have for years been leaving their home country to cross through Central American and Mexico and attempt to enter the United States.
QUITO/GUAYAQUIL, 15 oct (Reuters) - El heredero empresarial Daniel Noboa ganó el domingo las elecciones presidenciales de Ecuador, prometiendo reconstruir el país sudamericano, que lucha contra una economía débil y un aumento del crimen y la violencia. Noboa, de 35 años, un sorpresivo clasificado para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones anticipadas, se ha comprometido a mejorar la economía y crear empleos para los jóvenes, así como albergar a delincuentes peligrosos en barcos prisión.
QUITO/GUAYAQUIL, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Business heir Daniel Noboa on Sunday won Ecuador's presidential election, vowing to rebuild the South American country, which is struggling with a weak economy and rising crime and violence. Thirty five-year-old Noboa, a surprise qualifier for the run-off in the early election, has pledged to improve the economy and create jobs for young people, as well as to house dangerous criminals on prison ships.
REPUBLICA DOMINICANA : República Dominicana ha cerrado por completo su frontera con Haití desde el 15 de septiembre en medio de una disputa entre ambos países por la construcción de un canal en el Río Masacre. Los voluntarios haitianos han seguido con las obras a pesar de las medidas del país vecino.The Dominican Republic has completely closed its border with Haiti since September 15 amid a dispute between both countries over the construction of a canal on the Masacre River. Haitian volunteers have continued with the works despite the measures of the neighboring country.
PUERTO RICO: oct (Reuters) - ExxonMobil Corp, Shell, Chevron y otras importantes compañías de combustibles fósiles dijeron a un juez federal que una demanda presentada por ciudades y pueblos puertorriqueños que busca responsabilizarlos por los daños causados por el cambio climático en virtud de una ley contra el crimen organizado es “inverosímil”. En presentaciones conjuntas del viernes, las empresas pidieron a un tribunal federal de Puerto Rico que desestimara una demanda de 2022 presentada por 16 municipios que acusaban a las empresas de colusión para restar importancia públicamente a los riesgos de sus productos de combustibles fósiles sobre el cambio climático. por miles de millones de dólares en daños y perjuicios. La demanda dice que las empresas deberían ser consideradas financieramente responsables de los daños relacionados con el clima en el territorio estadounidense, incluida la temporada de huracanes de 2017, que empeoró por el calentamiento global.
Oct (Reuters) - ExxonMobil Corp, Shell, Chevron and other major fossil fuel companies have told a federal judge that a lawsuit filed by Puerto Rican cities and towns seeking to hold them accountable for harms from climate change under an anti-organized crime law is “far-fetched.” In joint filings on Friday, the companies asked a Puerto Rico federal court to dismiss a 2022 lawsuit filed by 16 municipalities accusing the companies of colluding to publicly downplay the risks of their fossil-fuel products on climate change asking for billions of dollars in damages. The lawsuit says the companies should be held financially responsible for climate-related harms in the U.S. territory, including from the 2017 hurricane season, which was made worse by global warming.
CHILE :SANTIAGO, oct (Reuters) - Chile está en pie de guerra después de haber quedado fuera de los planes para la Copa del Mundo de 2030, a pesar de que sus vecinos Argentina, Uruguay y Paraguay fueron elegidos para albergar los partidos inaugurales. Las noticias dominaron los titulares, las conversaciones callejeras y las plataformas de redes sociales. , provocando incluso comentarios del presidente Gabriel Boric. "Lamento que haya instituciones que funcionen de manera tan poco seria y sorprendente", dijo Boric en una conferencia de prensa el miércoles, diciendo que habló con los presidentes de Paraguay y Argentina, quienes dijeron que no estaban No conté la decisión antes del anuncio.
SANTIAGO, Oct (Reuters) - Chile is up in arms after being left out of plans for the 2030 World Cup even though neighbours Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay were picked to host opening matches.The news dominated headlines, street conversations and social media platforms, even drawing comments from President Gabriel Boric."I regret that there are institutions that operate in such an unserious and surprising manner," Boric told a press conference on Wednesday, saying he spoke with the presidents of Paraguay and Argentina who said they weren't told about the decision before the announcement.
PERÚ: Accidente en Jorge Chávez: Dejó dos bomberos mueros tras impactar contra avión de Latam Los fallecidos fueron identificados como Ángel Torres, de la compañía de bomberos Garibaldi 6; y Nicolás Santa Gadea, de la compañía Garibaldi 7. Aeropuerto Jorge Chávez: avión sufrió choque y se incendió en pista de aterrizaje | Aeropuerto Jorge Chávez: captan momento exacto en que avión choca con vehículo y se incendia en pleno aterrizaje | Accidente en aeropuerto Jorge Chávez dejó dos muertos / Accidente en aeropuerto Jorge Chávez dejó dos muertos. (Foto: Twitter) Redacción EC Redacción EC 18/11/2022 17H30 Dos bomberos fallecieron tras impactar el vehículo en el que se trasladaban contra un avión de la aerolínea Latam, lo cual originó la suspensión de operaciones en el aeropuerto internacional Jorge Chávez. Según informó Lima Airport Partners (LAP), los fallecidos fueron identificados como Ángel Torres, de la compañía de bomberos Garibaldi 6; y Nicolás Santa Gadea, de la compañía Garibaldi 7. MÁS INFORMACIÓN | Accidente en Jorge Chávez no dejó pasajeros ni miembros de la tripulación fallecidos, informa Latam En varios videos se registró el momento exacto en que un avión de Latam comenzó a emanar fuego en una de sus hélices en la pista de aterrizaje, cuando levantaba vuelo hacia la ciudad de Juliaca, Puno.
BRASIL: BRASILIA, 16 oct (Reuters) - Hubo unanimidad en la última decisión política del banco central de Brasil de que un ritmo de recorte de tasas de interés de 50 puntos básicos sería adecuado para las próximas reuniones, dijo el director de relaciones institucionales del banco, Mauricio Moura. los lunes
"Voté en la última reunión por una reducción de 50 puntos básicos y formé parte de la postura unánime del comité de que este ritmo sería el más apropiado para las próximas reuniones", dijo Moura durante una transmisión en vivo organizada por el banco central, cuando Se le preguntó sobre un posible cambio de ritmo.BRASILIA, Oct 16 (Reuters) - There was unanimity in the Brazil central bank's latest policy decision that an interest-rate-cut pace of 50 basis points would be suitable for the upcoming meetings, the bank's director of institutional relations, Mauricio Moura, said on Monday
"I voted at the last meeting for a 50 basis point reduction, and I was part of the committee's unanimous stance that this pace would be the most appropriate for the next meetings," Moura said during a live broadcast hosted by the central bank, when asked about a potential pace change.
BOLIVIA: LA PAZ, oct (Reuters) - Bajo un sol abrasador, más de trescientos bolivianos marcharon a principios de este mes hacia una llanura polvorienta cerca de la presa de Incachaca que domina la ciudad de La Paz, reuniéndose para orar por la lluvia y el fin de una grave sequía. Eso ha amenazado su suministro de agua. Los diez embalses que abastecen a La Paz - una de las ciudades más grandes del país con alrededor de 2,2 millones de habitantes - sólo contienen agua para 135 días en conjunto, advirtió la empresa estatal de agua de Bolivia, EPSAS.
LA PAZ, Oct (Reuters) - Under a scorching sun, more than three hundred Bolivians earlier this month marched to a dusty plain near the Incachaca dam that overlooks the city of La Paz, gathering to pray for rain and an end to a severe drought that has threatened their water supply.The ten reservoirs that supply La Paz - one of the country's largest cities with about 2.2 million inhabitants - only contain 135 days of water combined, Bolivia's state-owned water company EPSAS has warned.
La oposición polaca parece dispuesta a derrocar a los nacionalistas gobernantes en un importante cambio político Por Karl Badohal y Anna Koper
EUROPA: VARSOVIA, 16 oct (Reuters) - La oposición liberal y pro UE de Polonia parecía encaminada el lunes a formar el próximo gobierno después de que los resultados parciales oficiales y las encuestas a pie de urna mostraran que los nacionalistas gobernantes estaban perdiendo su mayoría parlamentaria en las elecciones más importantes del país en décadas. .
Polish opposition looks set to oust ruling nationalists in major political shift By Karl Badohal and Anna Koper
EUROPE : WARSAW, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Poland's liberal, pro-EU opposition on Monday looked on track to form the next government after official partial results and exit polls showed the ruling nationalists losing their parliamentary majority in the nation's most pivotal election in decades.
ESPAÑA: MADRID, oct (Reuters) - Al menos 8.561 inmigrantes han llegado a las Islas Canarias en las últimas dos semanas, lo que representa más de un tercio del total de llegadas de este año, según mostraron el lunes datos del Ministerio del Interior de España. Entre el 1 de enero y el 15 de octubre de este año, las islas del Atlántico recibieron 23.537 inmigrantes, un aumento del 80% respecto al mismo período del año pasado, según los datos. Las siete islas del archipiélago se han convertido en el principal destino de los inmigrantes de Senegal y otros países africanos intentando llegar a España. Otros buscan cruzar el Mediterráneo hacia la península española.MADRID, Oct (Reuters) - At least 8,561 migrants have reached the Canary Islands over the past two weeks, representing more than a third of this year's total arrivals, data from Spain's interior ministry showed on Monday. Between Jan. 1 and Oct. 15 of this year, the islands in the Atlantic received 23,537 migrants, an 80% increase from the same period last year, the data showed.The archipelago's seven islands have become the main destination for migrants from Senegal and other African countries trying to reach Spain. Others seek to cross the Mediterranean to the Spanish mainland.
Secretary Rubio’s Call with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud
01/31/2025 04:51 PM EST
Office of the Spokesperson
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Tammy Bruce:
Secretary of State Marco Rubio spoke today with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud. The Secretary and Foreign Minister discussed the path forward in Gaza and ways to advance shared interests in Syria, Lebanon, and across the region, to include Red Sea security and freedom of navigation. The Secretary thanked the Foreign Minister for Saudi partnership in helping to chart a new course for Lebanon and humanitarian assistance to Syria and Sudan. The Secretary said he looked forward to strengthening the U.S.-Saudi partnership.
You are subscribed to Press Releases for U.S. Department of State. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
Restoring a Tough U.S.-Cuba Policy
01/31/2025 06:51 PM EST
Marco Rubio, Secretary of State
Within the first two weeks of President Trump’s term, the State Department took decisive action to rescind major last-minute policy changes on Cuba announced by the previous administration on January 14.
The President acted on his first day in office to keep Cuba on the SST list, where it belongs. The Cuban regime has long supported acts of international terrorism. We call for the regime to end its support for terrorism, and to stop providing food, housing, and medical care to foreign murderers, bombmakers, and hijackers, while Cubans go hungry and lack access to basic medicine.
In a January 29 letter to the appropriate Congressional committees, I withdrew the prior administration’s letter regarding the LIBERTAD Act. The Trump Administration is committed to U.S. persons having the ability to bring private rights of action involving trafficked property confiscated by the Cuban regime.
On January 31, I approved the re-creation of the Cuba Restricted List, which prohibits certain transactions with companies under the control of, or acting for or on behalf of, the repressive Cuban military, intelligence, or security services or personnel. The State Department is re-issuing the Cuba Restricted List to deny resources to the very branches of the Cuban regime that directly oppress and surveil the Cuban people while controlling large swaths of the country’s economy. In addition to restoring the entities that were on the list until the final week of the previous administration, we are adding Orbit, S.A., a remittance-processing company operating for or on behalf of the Cuban military.
The State Department promotes accountability for the Cuban regime for oppressing its people and rejects Cuba’s malign interference across the Americas and throughout the world. We support the Cuban people’s human rights and fundamental freedoms and demand the release of all unjustly detained political prisoners. Our Embassy in Havana is meeting with families of those unjustly detained, as well as dissidents, so that they know the United States wholeheartedly supports them. We are steadfast in our commitment to the Cuban people and promote accountability for the Cuban regime’s actions.
Nuestras cuentas de Twitter The Global News Today By Mariana DAngelo @theglobalnewss estan siendo bloqueadas y no le permiten el acceso a nuestra empresa y en especial a nuestra Fundadora y Directora Intencional Mariana DAngelo - Pablo J. Marin , Hemos intentado de todas las formas y maneras de comunicarnos con la empresa Twitter y ningun intento ha sido exitosa. TWITTER INC, mantiene suspendida y bloqueadas todas nuestras cuentas, las cuales fueron creadas e iniciadas desde Venezuela para informar al Mundo sobre todos los eventos que llevaron a Venezuela a la mayor crisis política, social, así como Económica de todos los tiempos. Nuestra fundadora se mudo a Europa y desde que aterrizó a España ha encontrado un sin numero de obstáculos para obtener acceso a nuestras cuentas, una lamentable situación que hemos recibido como un abuso de poder y un ataque a nuestros derechos de expresión y a nuestro deber de informar a cada uno de nuestros seguidores.
Por medio de esta notificación pedimos disculpas a nuestros seguidores y publico lector que cada día nos honran con sus visitas. Todos tenemos derecho a expresar nuestras opiniones de manera responsable y siempre en servicio de las noticias que son divulgadas por medios con prestigio internacional. Todos las noticias y eventos que nuestros medios suben a la nube de Twitter son acompañadas por los créditos y agradecimientos necesarios y muy importantes hacer hincapié que en cada una de nuestras medios de comunicación, aseguramos que la fuente sea fidedigna
Somos una empresa independiente con el sello de calidad, el prestigio y toda la experiencia de décadas de trabajo de nuestra fundadora y directora Internacional "Mariana DAngelo - Pablo J Marin. Hacemos un llamado a TWITTER Inc, para que detenga este acoso a nuestra directora internacional, la cual no se le permite, ni siquiera registrar una nueva cuenta y acceder a todas las demás cuentas de nuestros medios independientes y realizados con un gran esfuerzo,
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Periódico AMÉRICA Newspaper Edición Septiembre/ 2020
01/31/2025 07:41 PM EST
Office of the Spokesperson
Begin Text:
Today marks four years since the Myanmar military regime overthrew the democratically elected government in Myanmar, creating one of the largest crises in the Indo-Pacific. Since the coup, the people of Myanmar remain subject to military rule that has deprived many of their rights, democratic aspirations and, for thousands, their liberty and their lives.
We condemn in the strongest terms the Myanmar military regime’s escalating violence harming civilians, including human rights violations, sexual and gender-based violence, and systematic persecution and discrimination against all religious and ethnic minorities. The military’s airstrikes are killing civilians, destroying schools, markets, places of worship and medical facilities; with almost a 25-fold increase since 2021 this represents an average of three airstrikes per day. The rise in airstrikes in areas with no active conflict has marked a clear escalation by the military.
We call on the Myanmar military regime to immediately de-escalate violence, ensure unhindered and safe humanitarian access across the country, and we urge all parties to prioritize the protection of civilians and fully adhere to International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law.
As of 2025, humanitarian needs have increased twenty-fold since the coup. Over one-third of the population, 19.9 million people, are now in need of humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs. An estimated 15.2 million people are in need of food assistance and cases of preventable diseases are on the rise.
Increasing needs and ongoing conflict have displaced up to 3.5 million people internally – an increase of nearly one million in the last year. Many more people are forced to flee across Myanmar’s borders. Rising transnational crime, including narcotics production and trafficking, scam centres and human trafficking, harm the people of Myanmar and affect neighbouring countries, risking instability in the broader region.
The current trajectory is not sustainable for Myanmar or the region. Now is the time for the Myanmar military regime to immediately change course. We strongly urge the Myanmar military regime to cease violence, including harming civilians and civilian infrastructure, release all political prisoners, and engage in genuine and inclusive dialogue with all stakeholders. These are essential first steps towards any peaceful, democratic transition, reflecting the will of Myanmar’s people.
We reiterate our support for the central role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Five Point Consensus, including the ASEAN Chair’s Special Envoy, in addressing the Myanmar and resultant refugee crisis. We strongly welcome collaboration between the ASEAN and United Nations (UN) Special Envoys. We call on the international community to continue to support the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2669 (2022). We underline the need for accountability for all atrocities committed in Myanmar, human rights must be safeguarded, violations and abuses must be prevented.
We will continue to stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar and support their vision for an inclusive, peaceful and prosperous future.
End text.
Los líderes políticos de todas las naciones del Mundo, deben de implementar leyes que obstruyan el camino aquellos antisociales y divulgadores del Odio y la Discriminación en contra del grupo de Ciudadanos LGBTQI. Este habito habitual de excluir y discriminar a otro ser humano, solo por como lucen o sienten, es realmente una abominación de la humanidad, todos los días desde la oficina de la presidencia de cualquier nación hasta en nuestros hogares, un ciudadano LGBTQI, es: DISCRIMINADO. HUMILLADO, EXCLUIDO Y ABUSADO en sus derechos básicos. Estos derechos deben ser garantizados por todos los países del Mundo. BASTA!... DIGA NO A LA DISCRIMINACIÓN. y a todo tipò de RACISMO en contra de los NEGROS en toda AMÉRICA y en el resto del Mundo. El Racismo es un gran pecado de la humanidad.
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(DACA por sus siglas en inglés).
Canadá: El número de muertes diarias de Canadá por el nuevo coronavirus cayó bruscamente el domingo.El país agregó 27 nuevas muertes, que ahora es de 7,800 muertos. Quebec ha representado la mayoría de las muertesy casos durante varias semanas.
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ANALIZADO por Mariana DAngelo
No entiendo lo que ha sucedido con esta humanidad llena de personas racistas, que se atreven a pensar que tienen una superioridad sobre los demás. Pensar que es por el color de la piel, el estado social o la preferencia sexual, o una experiencia única e incómoda, hace que alguien piense que tiene el poder de etiquetar a otro ser humano, normal o no. Por supuesto, hay personas buenas y decentes en todos los grupos sociales y miembros de la sociedad. Todos deberíamos ser iguales aquí en la tierra como lo seremos en el cielo.
Como comunidad global, debemos interactuar entre nosotros como una familia global, para vivir y dejar vivir. Sin odios, sin juicios y, lo más importante, sin discriminación, si no podemos superar esto, nos fallaremos mutuamente y continuaremos destruyendo a nuestro planeta. Esto ya no es una opción !!
Ya hay suficientes personas que quieren destruir el mundo, no se lo faciliten. Tendremos que convertir el resentimiento en compasión e inclusión para resolver esta crisis ...
¡¡Nuestros corazones deben enseñar a nuestros ojos a ver y a nuestro cerebro a pensar !!.
Me despido con todo el amor que poseo, oro para que todos y cada uno de nosotros encuentre la fuerza y el coraje para alcanzarnos unos a otros por la causa de la unidad, que estamos buscando desesperadamente como sociedad ...
The Global News Today por Mariana DAngelo / FacebooK / Linkedin / Instagram / Google Cuenta personal de Instagram
@marianadangeloceo / DIGA NO A LA DISCRIMINACIÓN
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Cultura, Turismo, Arte, Música, Periódico America Newspaper po: Mariana DAngelo / Pablo Marin Noticias, Deporte, Análisis, Reportajes
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