Argentina: Esta tarde el Mundo del deporte ha perdido una de sus más amados astros. El eterno campeó

Argentina: Periódico AMÉRICA Newspaper by Mariana DAngelo This afternoon the World of sports has lost one of its most beloved stars. The eternal champion of Soccer. #DiegoArmandoMaradona #TheGlobalNewsToday by #MarianaDangelo Esta tarde el Mundo del deporte ha perdido una de sus más amados astros. El eterno campeón del Fútbol. #DiegoArmandoMaradona by Mariana DAngelo. El amado futbolista murió en su casa a causa de un paro cardiorespiratorio by Mariana DAngelo. The beloved footballer died at home from cardiac arrest. Mariana DAngelo @MarianaDAngeloM #TheGlobalNewsToday by #MarianaDangelo · 15min #TheGlobalNewsToday by #MarianaDangelo #Argentina: #PeriódicoAMÉRICANewspaper by Mariana DAngelo. The newspaper Clarín has announced that the legendary former footballer suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and has lost his life at 60 years. The Global News Today by #MarianaDAngelo Mariana DAngelo @MarianaDAngeloM · 29min #Argentina: #PeriódicoAMÉRICANewspaper by Mariana DAngelo. The newspaper Clarín has announced that the legendary former footballer suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and has lost his life at 60 years. The Global News Today by #MarianaDAngelo
The newspaper Clarín has announced that the legendary former footballer suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest and has lost his life at 60 years
El diario Clarín ha anunciado que el mítico exfutbolista sufrió una parada cardiorrespiratoria y ha perdido la vida a los 60 años
The Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo CEO & Founder #Maradona #DiegoArmandoMaradona #SoccerLegeng #LyendadelFutbol #Sport #Deporte #LionelMessi #CristianoRonaldo #Argentina #TheGlobalNewsToday By #MarianaDAngelo #PeriódicoAméricaNewspaper `por Mariana DAngelo #TheEuropeanElEuropeo by Mariana DAngelo Twitter @MarianaDAngeloM Instagram @marianadangeloceo CEO & Founder #FREEDOMOFPRESS #LibertaddePrensa God Bless USA! #China #HongKong #MikePompeo #USStateDepartment #AMERICA #EUROPE #ASIA #AFRICA #Global #NEWS #Information #press #Israel #EEUU #NewspaperAMERICA #PeriodicoAMERICAAMERICANewspaper #News #Noticias #Periodico #Newspaper #IndependentPress PeriodicoIndependiente #PrensaInternacional #FreedomofPress #FreedomofSpeech #DEMOCRACY #DEMOCRACIA #Libertad #Peace #StopDiscrimination #StopDomesticViolence #StopWomenAbuse #StopChildAbuse #StopElderlyAbuse #StopAbuseLGBTQI #LGBTQI Freedom of Sppech - Freedom of Press
Dialogue and Diplomacy Should unify and Strenghthen. Fair. Neutral. Balanced and objective. God bless us all!. Mariana DAngelo Linkedin : The Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo /Twitter: @MarianaDAngeloM / Instagram @marianadangeloceo Facebook : The Global News Today by Mariana DAngelo CEO & Founder Periodico AMÉRICA Newspaper by Mariana DAngelo / The Global News Today Mariana DAngelo @MarianaDAngeloM